Agency Banking

Our electronic Agency Banking solution allows you to extend your banking operations to a larger number of customers at lower cost than actually operating a branch. Your contracted agents can, through a dedicated platform, perform operations in the name of and authorised by other private individuals.

Agency Banking is a two-step process, involving the initiation of a request by the client and a confirmation request by the agent. The transactions are secured through two types of codes: the 6-digit token code or the 4-digit mPIN. All these operations are possible through the agent’s account with your bank.

Agents can automate their interaction with the bank, i.e. managing their account, transfers, fees, etc. They can:

  • confirm payment orders
  • perform cash in / cash out operations
  • provide information on bank products and services

Operating through agents is a less costly, less resource-intensive, much more flexible way to broaden the outreach of your business. It is a solution for areas where connectivity and bankability are scarce. The platform functions as a bridge between agents and bank, and can be fully integrated with your core banking system.